Bon Accord Kick-A-Poo Kids
Bon Accord Kick-A-Poo Kids was formed in 1953 with Ross Haynes as its caller. It closed 4 years later to be revived again in 1978 with Ross Richardson as its new instructor. Since then the Bon Accord community center has been occupied every Thursday night between 7 and 9:30 with square dancers, beginners and mainstream. In 1978 the Sturgeon Recreation Board provided a 10 lesson course if there were three squares of dancers. These included Sid & Lil Schick, Bob & Verna Morris, Art & Alice Strawson, Bob Mason & Alice Sockman, Jim & Margaret George, Bill & Doris Carleton, Stan & Edith Kowalski, Joe & Rita Milligan, Keith & Elaine Whitson, Mike & Kay Betchuck, Dick & Gladys Lemmon, Wes & Marilyn Carleton. Norman & Lorretta Demuel became the first full-time caller in the fall of 1978. Bill & Doris Carleton became the first President and the colors of Black, White & yellow were chosen. When Norm & Loretta Demuel retired in November of 1997 the club decided to use multiple callers with Ernie & Charlotte Powers, Glen & Audrey Eliasson, & Evelyn & Don McDonald alternating nights. This practice is still carried on to this day with Glen & Audrey Eliasson , Ken Sipe, Lorne Anderson, Bill DeGroot,& occasionally Gary Winter when available.